1-Piece Cut to Fit

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  • ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Stomahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit) ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Stomahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit)
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    ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Stomahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit)

    Convatec ActiveLife
    $44.45 - $84.45
    Ostomy supplies for colostomies and ileostomiesCut-to-Fit one sided comfort panel (3/4" - 2 1/2" stoma size)Drainable one piece ostomy pouch with Stomahesive Skin barrierBox of 10, box of 20ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with...
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  • Coloplast SenSura Mio - Transparent Drainable 1-Piece Cut to Fit Ostomy Bag Coloplast SenSura Mio - Transparent Drainable 1-Piece Cut to Fit Ostomy Bag
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    Coloplast SenSura Mio - Transparent Drainable 1-Piece Cut to Fit Ostomy Bag

    Coloplast Sensura Mio
    TransparentOne-piece ostomy bag includes built ostomy waferSensura Mio Drainable PouchCut to FitBox of 10Coloplast SenSura Mio - Transparent Drainable 1-Piece Cut to Fit Ostomy Bag is made of an ultra soft transparent material so monitoring stomal output...
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  • ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Durahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit) ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Durahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit)
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    ConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Durahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit)

    Convatec ActiveLife
    Quiet, odor proof comfort panel Easy to manage one-piece systemWafer protects skin against semi-liquid to liquid stoolConvaTec ActiveLife - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Durahesive Skin Barrier (Cut to Fit) combines a Durahesive skin barrier and...
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  • Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag Lock-n-Roll (Flextend - Cut to Fit) Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag Lock-n-Roll (Flextend - Cut to Fit)
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    Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag Lock-n-Roll (Flextend - Cut to Fit)

    Hollister Premier
    Easy to empty and easy to cleanDrainable pouch with Flextend skin barrierLock n Roll closure system for security and convenienceOdor-Barrier and Rustle-free film (beige pouch) provide confidenceLock-n-Roll closureConvex skin barrier is ideal for those...
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  • Coloplast SenSura - 1-Piece Convex Ostomy Bag with Easi-Close Wide Outlet (Cut to Fit-Maxi) Coloplast SenSura - 1-Piece Convex Ostomy Bag with Easi-Close Wide Outlet (Cut to Fit-Maxi)
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    Coloplast SenSura - 1-Piece Convex Ostomy Bag with Easi-Close Wide Outlet (Cut to Fit-Maxi)

    Coloplast SenSura
    Filter works automaticallyConvex wafer for hard to fit stomasCut-to-fit: 5/8" - 1 11/16" waferEasi-Close Wide Outlet for easy drainingDouble-layer adhesive is permanently fixed to the pouchBox of 10Coloplast SenSura - 1-Piece Convex Ostomy Bag with...
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  • Hollister Premier - 1-Piece Closed Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit) Hollister Premier - 1-Piece Closed Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit)
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    Hollister Premier - 1-Piece Closed Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit)

    Hollister Premier
    SoftFlex skin barrierComfortWear panelsIntegrated filter prevents gas buildupPremier ostomy pouch is ideal for those with sensitive skinRustle-free odor barrier film eliminates pouch noise and odorBox of 30Hollister Premier - 1-Piece Closed Ostomy Bag...
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  • ConvaTec Little Ones - Drainable 1-Piece Pouch (Cut to Fit)
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    ConvaTec Little Ones - Drainable 1-Piece Pouch (Cut to Fit)

    Convatec Little Ones
    Cut to Fit (5/16" to 2")Ideal for children and adultsTail closures included for secure closureOne sided comfort panel for added quietnessConvaTec Little Ones - Drainable 1-Piece Pouch (Cut to Fit) fits smaller bodies with ease. This transparent drainable...
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  • Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Clamp Closure (Flextend - Cut to Fit) Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Clamp Closure (Flextend - Cut to Fit)
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    Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Clamp Closure (Flextend - Cut to Fit)

    Hollister Premier
    Flextend for extended wear time, saves time and is economicalOdor barriers, ComfortWear panels, tape border, and clamp closuresDrainable pouch with porous cloth adhesive and tape borderClamp closureCut to Fit: Up to 2 1/2"Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece...
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  • Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag (FlexWear - No-Filter - Cut-to-Fit) Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag (FlexWear - No-Filter - Cut-to-Fit)
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    Hollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag (FlexWear - No-Filter - Cut-to-Fit)

    Hollister Premier
    Feel the Seal, Lock n Roll closureOdor barrier and rustle-free pouch for added comfort and securityFlexWear barriers are more resistant to breakdown and can be worn longer than one dayHollister Premier - 12" 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag (FlexWear -...
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  • Coloplast Assura - 11 1/4" Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit - Maxi) Coloplast Assura - 11 1/4" Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit - Maxi)
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    Coloplast Assura - 11 1/4" Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit - Maxi)

    Coloplast Assura
    For stomas 3/8" to 2 3/4"Secure, yet gentle holdRustle-free, odor-free material for discretionSoft cloth backing for comfort and drynessIncludes 5 pouch clamps and 10 twist-tie closuresColoplast Assura - 11 1/4" Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag (Cut to Fit -...
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  • ConvaTec Esteem Plus - 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Filter (InvisiClose Tail - Cut to Fit) ConvaTec Esteem Plus - 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Filter (InvisiClose Tail - Cut to Fit)
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    ConvaTec Esteem Plus - 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Filter (InvisiClose Tail - Cut to Fit)

    ConvaTec Esteem Synergy
    $61.45 - $62.45
    No clips neededDrainable pouch with InvisiClose Tail and lock-it pocketRounded shape pouch, contours to the body with easeProduct code identification makes reordering easy tooBox of 10ConvaTec Esteem Plus - 1-Piece Drainable Ostomy Bag with Filter...
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  • Coloplast SenSura Mio - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Easi-Close Wide Outlet (Cut to Fit) Coloplast SenSura Mio - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Easi-Close Wide Outlet (Cut to Fit)
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    Coloplast SenSura Mio - Drainable 1-Piece Ostomy Bag with Easi-Close Wide Outlet (Cut to Fit)

    Coloplast Sensura Mio
    Elastic barrier to fit real body shapesEasi-Close Wide Outlet for added security and movementLarger full circle filterto reduce ballooning for added comfortSenSura Mio fits right and feels right, more like real clothing and less like a medical...
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Ostomy bags are available in several different varieties. One-piece cut-to-fit bags means that the ostomy pouch and ostomy wafer are connected and cannot come apart. A cut-to-fit wafer allows you to cut the ostomy wafer to fit your specific stoma. This style of ostomy pouch is perfect for when you first have your surgery. Many times your stoma will change size and shape following surgery. By using cut-to-fit bags you will save yourself from having to throw out pre-cut bags that no longer meet your needs. A one-piece ostomy bag is easy to use because you will not have to buy two different items while making sure they work together. The wafer and pouch are connected already so there is no guess work. A one-piece ostomy bag also has a slimmer profile so it can be worn more discreetly.

We also carry 1-piece pre-cut ostomy bags. With this type of ostomy pouch, you need to know what size your stoma is so you can order the proper pouch. The wafer should fit snugly but not so tight that it cuts into the stoma. It helps to use a sizing guide to determine what size you should purchase. 1-piece convex ostomy bags are available in both pre-cut and cut-to-fit. If your stoma is recessed or lies flush with your skin then you would want to use a convex ostomy wafer because it helps push the stoma out more so stomal output can go directly inside the bag and not against the skin surrounding the stoma.